Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Arcade Smiles and a Big Sigh of Relief

--by murphy4591, posted Sep 8, 2013
I work for a nonprofit organization that serves children with developmental disabilities. I love every minute of it and a particular experience today made me appreciate it even more.

We often go on an outing with the kids, and last Friday we brought them to an arcade. I was working with three young ladies who all had Down Syndrome, among other disabilities. I should note that they are the most loveable girls in the entire world. We were running around from game to game, and the girls were having a great time, regardless of the stares and looks from people around us.

We were on a simulated rollercoaster ride when the moment that I will remember for the rest of my life happened.

The girls were laughing at each other, screaming in excitement on the ride, when a young woman tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around. She politely told me that she recognized the girls had Down Syndrome. I told her yes, that we were with an organization on an outing.

I couldn't believe what she next said to me. She informed me that she had just had a baby who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, and she had been most worried about being able to experience joy and live a life full of happiness. She then went on to say that watching these girls gave her the biggest sigh of relief, because she saw how full of life and happy they were. Then, she thanked me for talking to her and giving her the best gift she could've asked for: hope. 

I am so thankful that these three amazing girls were able to bring this mother a huge sigh of relief-- that they gave her the hope and knowledge that her baby will experience a happy life. Every time I think about this-- or even as I write this-- I get chills, and can't help but smile.

These kids that I am so blessed to work with everyday, and their smiling faces-- even through all their adversities-- are a major reason why I smile each day.
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Readers Comments

merrynjooste wrote: What a wonderful story xx
susanpugh52 wrote: What a beautiful story
caitlinjo wrote: We really never know what effect our actions or inaction are having on the world. Thank you for reminding me of this before i head out into mine this morning!
arun wrote: Great. Such a great story.
frcbazyouros wrote: Hope: the greatest gift and the biggest need in the world today.
woodfields wrote: Beautiful. Thankyou so much for sharing
jsmc10 wrote: It's organisations like the one you work for that do bring relief and hope to the parents of those with learning difficulties etc. I truely respect all of you and thank you for putting your heart and soul into the organisation :)
Dobby wrote: Love this story! God does NOT like the boring which is why He gives us such wonderful variety. Considering that 70-80% of babies diagnosed with Downs are aborted, you not only gave this new mom the strength she needed (I'm sure there were more than enuf doomsayers around her), but everyone seeing the girls now have a different picture in their head about Downs. You don't know how hearts have been touched.
Mish wrote: Wow, how wonderful that you have given her this Gift of hope... I have tears in my eyes reading your share here.

Bless you for why you do with these beautiful children.
Mish wrote: Wow, how wonderful that you have given her this Gift of hope... I have tears in my eyes reading your share here.

Bless you for why you do with these beautiful children.

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