Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Believe In You

--by jsmc10, posted Sep 28, 2013
I wanted to say that I believe in every single one of you! 

I think that you should all strive for your goals, however big or small, however unlikely they may seem to be. I have confidence in you all and I hope you become the person you aspire to be, whether that be intellectually, spiritually, physically, mentally, professionally, or all of the above. Go for it! 

When you feel like giving up know that I am your cheerleader (or part of your cheerleading squad.) 

If you feel like you have failed take a deep breath, sleep on it maybe, brush yourself off and start again. 

If there are people out there who tell you that you can't do it, prove that you can, because I know you can! YOU CAN DO IT!

Big hugs!
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for this "spiritual pep-talk" which we all need from time-to-time!

And, YOU can do it too jsmc. ((HUGS))
bluxess wrote: Thank you J. The way you give you makes me take a leap. Here is a warm hug and lots of happy/peaceful and liberating metta your way ... Much love :-)
princessliz wrote: Aww, thanks alot Jsmc. I needed to hear this.

Bless your heart!
shreyansh wrote: As i wrote in my first act of kindness that i am always stressed as i am upto my daily target of my studies. Bt ill not give up. Ill earn a lot and make my parents proud. I needed this. Thanks a lot for posting. God bless you. Bhagwan aapka hamesha khyal rakhe.
IhanaElama wrote: Thank you for encouragement! :) hugs and hope you get the same inspiration here as we do from you!
debbe530 wrote: Thanks, jmsc. Thanks for being our cheerleader!
caitlinjo wrote: Thanks for the cheer. You never know who needs this message at that precise moment!
Ammi wrote: Thank you. It makes me believe in myself too. It makes me move away from the nay sayers and pursue my path without fear now.

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