Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Father and Son Getting Home

--by Wes Bennett, posted Nov 6, 2007
A few months ago, while driving home from work, I was thinking about my long tiring day at work and worrying about my other half, and would he be OK when I got home. My partner of 6 years, was lying in bed at home, sick and facing a long illness and possibly death.

That day several clients had paid for thier jobs and one of them even paid extra, since he was very pleased with our graphics & photography work.

On the way, I stopped at a gas station (slightly out of my way) to gas up my car before heading home. When I went in to pre-pay for my gas, I saw a man with his his son ahead of me in the line. They were a little dirty from working & painting at a local job site. The clerk behind the counter seemed annoyed and not interested in talking to them.

From their conversation, it seems the man had lost his wallet, was almost out of gas and still had 1.5 hours drive to get himself and his son home. He was wanting to write the clerk a check and post date it for 2 days later.

The man was obviously tired, worried and frustrated. He knew the money in his account wasn't available yet and without cash, he and his son wouldn’t be able to sleep in their own beds that night.

The clerk asked them to move aside and let me up to the register. I gave the clerk two 20 dollar bills and told him to put $20 on my pump and to pre-pay $20 on their pump also. When I went back out to fill my gas tank, the teenage son approached me at the car to express his gratitude. His father was too emotional, so he stayed inside the store til I was gone.

They asked if I would accept a check from them for the money, but I declined. I told the teenager to keep the check and to "pay it forward". Help someone in a bind when you see them.

They were so thankful, I had a feeling that the weight of what I'd done to help was much more than what it appeared.

I cried half the way home, not sad tear, but tears of relief and joy for them. Getting home after work can mean much more than just having a beer and watching TV. It can mean being there for somone who needs you.
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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: I am just reading your story now; what a generous gesture on your part. Thank you for sharing.
Ghulam HAQQANI wrote: Wow!

Done a good job. Actually we all should learn and should be inspired by it.

Hat off for you
Honor wrote: Thank you for your inspiration.
Sherry wrote: What a lovely story! You inspire!
Nan wrote: It *is* wonderful to do random acts of kindness like this, and you are a great person to do so. I once paid the toll across the golden gate bridge for the car behind me. My current boyfriend said i was being foolish and inviting trouble - that the person would probably follow me and who knows what they could do to me! How silly that was - and i just laughed at his nonsense.

Of course, nothing happened but the discussion left a sour taste in my mouth. I dumped the guy that evening. I don't need negativity in my life!
Sunshine wrote: I want friends like you! You are a rare soul.
Swift wrote: I've been in the shoes of that gas station attendant. It's hard when you want to help, but there isn't much you can do. Thank you for doing what you could to make the situation so wonderful!
supun wrote: Nice work!
evergreen wrote: Thanx. On behalf of humanity. Plz keep doing this. N me too try to do the same. All d very best.
Samuel Wamala wrote: Thank you very much for that gesture of sympathy. God bless you. I represent buloba christian youth development association. (a youth charity in uganda)

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