Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Art with heart...

--by Trishna and Deep, posted Apr 19, 2006
Last week, I arrived back home to our flat in London from my trip to visit my family in California to find a "mystery package", which someone had left with the porter in our building some time while my husband and I were both away. It was a large envelope with a wooden backing, and a small note on top reading "Deep and Trishna, Enjoy!" As soon as I opened the flap, I discovered a Smile Card attached, and I knew instantly that someone had anonymously reached out to us with an act of kindness.

As I reached into the envelope, MUCH to my surprise, I pulled out a sketch by Manohar Devadoss. My heart instantly melted by the idea that someone reached out to us with such a beautiful drawing by a person, whose life has touched mine from the minute I read Pavi's piece on him and his wife. I immediately began to recollect his lifestory and felt so honored to be the recipient of such a remarkable gesture by an anonymous friend. Well, then my mind began racing to figure out who could have been behind this, and of course the first person to come to my mind was Pavi -- she's one of the only people who knows of my admiration for the Devadoss couple. But then, when I noticed that it was hand-delivered by someone (there was no address or postage on the envelope), I realized quickly that others had to have been involved as well.

I spent the next couple of hours with a huge smile on my face as I unpacked and resettled into our home. I couldn't stop thinking about the drawing and about who was behind this sweet anonymous act of kindness.

A few hours later, I reached back into the envelope to examine the drawing once more, and as I did I found a hand-written note inside. As I began to read it, I was almost in tears -- if you read it, you'd know why.

It began with...

Manohar Devadoss spent hours and hours perfecting his jasmine bud sketches. Each afternoon he'd have a handful of the blossoms brought to his desk. He would marvel at their delicate shape, the purity of their colour - then he'd cover sheet after sheet with 'practice' sketches... until finally he felt ready enough to embark on this sketch of the wide jasmine fields on the outskirts of Madurai.

...and throughout the note, were many sweet notes and inspiring thoughts.

So then I decided to write a small note of gratitude to the crew of four, who I was sure had to have something to do with this beautiful gesture. And of course, nobody took credit, and instead they told me someone else altogether was the "culprit" behind this act, who I wouldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams. So, to this anonymous culprit, a warm thanks and bow of gratitude for your kind gesture -- we are honored to receive it and are inspired to pay-it-forward. The sketch will serve as a daily reminder of how the Devadoss's have made the impossible, possible, and how they continue to live each moment to the fullest through their inspiring journey in life.

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Readers Comments

g-) wrote: Wow! That's a beautiful story! =)
ami wrote: Great story! I read Pavi's piece on Manohar and Mahema Devadoss, it brought me to tears - such beautiful and inspirational people! Thanks!
mo wrote: Those Devadoss' are a tribute to the human spirit's strength.
Meenakshi Balganesh wrote: I am really touched by this article. Incidentally, I am a great admirer of the Devadoss couple, though I have never met them in person. This morning, I learnt from the newspaper that Mahema has departed to the Lord's feet.My heart is heavy as I have read about their trials and tribulations and how they faced the world with courage and joy. When I was a student in JIPMER, at my Stella Maris professor's request, I had gone to meet Mahema in the hospital and convey the good will after her terrible accident. I have read Manohar Devadoss's books- the first two, with great interest and gifted them to several friends on many occasions. I have always wanted to get in touch with them but fate had its way in deciding it!. I wonder if I can get Mr. Manohar Devadoss's email id or address so that I can contact him and send him a message of condolence.
Jasper wrote: After reading many novels, i felt they are just works of art meant only for reading. In addition, i believed that they are twice removed from reality. However, after going through pavi's article on "devadosses: a special kind of grace", i realized it is possible to live a life to the full. First, it sounded like another novel as i used to read, but it is a work of art, lived peacefully amidst the darkest clouds.
jsmc10 wrote: So beautiful :)

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