Stories of Kindness from Around the World

$15 and a moment of beauty

--by Lperez, posted Sep 15, 2013
I work at a financial institution and know that there are few experiences more frustrating and difficult than not being able to withdraw the money you need from an account, especially in dire circumstances. 

On this particular day, a member of our credit union came in needing to withdraw $15. Unfortunately, a transaction had just cleared that prevented access to her account and she didn't have the funds necessary to make a withdrawal. The tellers who were assisting her signed her in to speak with me, and she explained that the money she needed was to purchase medication for someone in her family.

She had an adorable little boy with her, and wanting to do what I could, I told her to stay in my office while I went and looked into the matter. Outside, I went to the teller she had seen and gave her a withdrawal slip from my own account for $15 dollars. She looked at me wide eyed and said "Are you sure?" "Yes ma'am," I said, though I asked that she not tell anyone.

Back in the office, I looked at the woman and told her that I wanted to help, and presented her with the $15. "Please take this," I said. The woman began to cry, and told me between her tears that the medication was for a baby boy she had adopted from a drug addicted family member. The baby suffered from seizures and had been without his medication for two days. Touched by her openness, I told her that all I could ask was for her to pass it on. You never know when blessings will come your way.

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Readers Comments

NiceNora wrote: Your story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing it. It will come back around. It always does. It could be today, or 10 yrs from now, but karma is always at work. God bless you.
debbe530 wrote: As a retired nurse I thank you. I love that you trusted your instincts and went with your heart.
FairyBubbles wrote: The story of your kindness has really touched my heart. I love what you did for that lady and a little child.
Dobby wrote: Thank you for what you did for that woman. You're also a wonderful model of how kindness knows no limitations. Considering the (let's say) less than stellar reputation bankers have, it really is nice to see a banker who clearly does their job "outside the box"!
Mish wrote: This brought tears to my eyes. Bless you for your kindness to this family bless the little one.
brightflower wrote: Thank you so so much for what you did. You brightened her day and mine by sharing this. Hugs. My your day be blessed.
jsmc10 wrote: this is so amazing, thank you so much for helping her and her family :)

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