Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thirst Quencher On Busy Day

--by ganon, posted Aug 28, 2006
I was leaving my office late Saturday morning...a little bit grumpy because I had to get up early and go to work on the weekend, and was now running late for the next of my zillion obligations for the weekend...and the worst part was I had no time to eat a proper lunch. I was complaining about all of this to my husband on my cell phone, while I turned around from locking the door behind me, and then I spotted him. A man lying in the grass asleep. I said to my husband, "I'm sorry I've just been complaining. Thanks for listening. I have to go."

I went back into my office, found a box, and went to my desk. I took every bag of snacks and protein bars I could and placed them in the box. Then I went to my mini fridge and put in two kinds of cheese, chilled juice and two cold bottles of water. To top it all off, a Smile card. I placed the box in the shade next to the sleeping man and slipped away.

About five minutes later when I was stopped at a traffic light by that spot he had woken up. He was looking at the box, scratching his head, and looking around. Then I saw him raise his hands towards the sky and say words I couldn't hear. Then he took a long drink of icy water. I felt glad that he had woken up before the sun warmed everything, and was glad that without even knowing it, he had reminded me to appreciate my day so much more.
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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: When we are in generous mood helping others is not a great thing. But when we are in bad mood, depressed state that feeling of helping others is great. Kudos to you for your nice gesture.
Rocky wrote: Wonderfull story:) Makes me happy to knowing so many good people are out there!
Lilli wrote: For those of us that become followers of God, it takes much practice to keep our mind in thankfulness for all things as God requests us to do. But the fact He tells us to do it, proves IT CAN BE DONE.
BlueBuddha wrote: Great story!

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