Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Answering Prayers

--by Raghu, posted Aug 29, 2006
I was on my way to get some books for school, when I saw two old men sitting and talking in the sun near the bus stand. What struck me about them was not their stance, but rather their attire. Both were wearing old and torn clothes, one was barefoot and the other had on broken sandals.

As of late, I’ve been keeping my eyes and heart open for opportunities to serve. Stocked with some extra clothing, it’s my job to find these items an appropriate new home.

The men were engrossed in their conversation and did not pay heed to me as I inched closer to hear their words.

“In these winter months, we’re lucky that the sun shines so brightly in the day and offers some heat in the cold, but what are we going to do at night? My blanket is thin and torn and offers no protection from the cold.”


Knowing that they would sit there for a while, I went to our clothing stash and quickly got two blankets.

Again, they did not see me approach.

“Here you go buddy,” I said as I handed each a blanket. “It’s cold these days. These blankets might be of some use to you.”

Words can’t describe the surprise on their faces as I handed the blankets to the men. “Son, you are our God. We were just talking about how we are going to face the cold at night and you appeared with blankets.”

“No, do not say that I am God. God sent me here to answer your prayer. All I ask if that you pray that I may of service to more people.”
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Readers Comments

Jesse wrote: Flute of the infinite is ceaselessly playing and its sound is love. --Kabir
fan wrote: im glad their is people like you in this world. you help the community i admire that. Because most people are to emberessed to help.
vuyani wrote: That is so sweet of you!May God trully bless you financially so that you can bless may more of our "Homeless' people..

Vuyani from south africa
Rocky wrote: Bless you for giving much in return.
suju wrote: When i am all alone,all helpless to help even myself then i remember a person who used to help me at any time...
Not b'coz i am selfish but b'coz u also use to be so...
b'coz we all r dependent on each other...
ben wrote: thank you so much for such an inspirational story of love. may heavenly father bless your charitable soul for doing as the savior would have done.
Jose Rendon wrote: you are a child of god. He will take care of You every moment. All the world need is people like You: loving, caring and helpful. I am sure that in this world every one will harvest as much as He or She seeds.

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