Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spreading Smiles, Smile Cards And Chocolate :)

--by Jacinda, posted Oct 19, 2013
Yesterday afternoon, I bought a few things from the supermarket. I decided to buy a chocolate bar for the checkout operator, and gift it with a smile card.

The woman at the check-out counter was an older lady, and at first, she seemed very grumpy. After paying, I was nervous to give my gift to her, because for the whole time we interacted, she didn't smile at all. Nevertheless, I picked up the courage and gave it to her, explaining that it was for her.
It was the most amazing reaction ever! :) She seemed shocked at first but then a huuuge smile spread across her face, and she was so happy and thankful! She told me that no customers had ever done anything nice for her before. I felt so happy that I was able to make her smile! :)

Then I went out to wait for the bus at the bus stop. A lady came over to me. She was confused about when her bus was coming and what bus she should get on to get to her neighborhood. I explained it to her, and she told me that she was 78 years-old and she would not be able to remember the number, so I wrote it on her hand. She was so sweet and we stood and chatted for a while.

I remembered I had another chocolate bar in my bag so I gave it to her along with a smile card. She was really happy and then said that every single time she comes to this exact bus stop, someone comes and helps her. She said she thinks it's like an angel each time.

As my bus drove up, I said goodbye to her, gave her a hug, and we parted our own ways. :)

Life is beautiful! :)
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Readers Comments

Kay wrote: Love it when we do kind acts for anyone in our paths.
Pam Tilly wrote: What a lovely story! I'm going to get some smile cards and start giving them. This is such an amazing community!
jet4749 wrote: Beautiful. This definitely made me smile!
bilkis wrote: What wonderful act of kindness, very inspiring
surfjunk2000 wrote: Lovely! Great example of random acts of kindness.
bdvolz1 wrote: Wonderful, thanks for reaching out and sharing. I have in mind to hand out photocards to strangers.
AnnieJ wrote: I guess you were her bus stop angel for the day!

Little gestures like these never cease to amaze me - people really love when you are thinking about them, even if only for a few minutes!
JF wrote: Life is beautiful and these small acts of kindness make it even more so. Thank you for what you add to the world and for inspiring me to do more. I'm looking forward to picking out an especially nice chocolate bar to give to the next clerk i encounter at the checkout line.
Amrit kapur wrote: Life can be a series of such acts of kindness. One should always seek such opportunities to be able to do something. We should be grateful to those who provide us this opportunity to gift them. Generally , on my my weekly shopping, i always tip the counter teller after he has done my billing & it always suddenly leads to flash on his otherwise serious or grumpy face. To something gratis is a great opportunity & one should seek. Such opportunities.
Paul wrote: Love in any time!

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