Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Peace And Love On The Bus

--by TanjaW, posted Oct 21, 2013
London bus drivers are not usually effusive in their greetings when passengers board, so when a bus driver said something to me on my way home last week I thought my bus pass must have been out of date or something.

It took me a few seconds to realize that he had said, "Hello, good evening, peace be upon you." He said something similar to every passenger, always with unwavering enthusiasm. Some responded positively, many ignored him, some smiled.

The most moving thing was how undeterred by any rudeness or lack of response this lovely man was. He just kept right on greeting passengers with great sincerity and love. 

I waved to him and smiled as I alighted from the rear door - and he waved right back! He was keeping an eye on the back door as well as greeting new passengers.

It was a tangible way to experience simple love and kindness and I experienced a connection with passengers and saw the driver in a new light.

I'm sure bus drivers are always careful. I just hadn't thought of it as a loving action before. This driver opened my eyes to how I depend on the service of others every day and am connected to my fellow citizens in so many ways.
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Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: That is a beautiful thing that the bus driver is doing - I am just imagining what London would be like if we all followed his example ...
Mish wrote: Your realization of our interconnectedness is brilliant. Nice post. :)))
Dobby wrote: Wow this is great! What a wonderful way he's found to pass on kindness, and right where he is! Wouldn't it be nice if this spread to other bus drivers? Maybe they'd have better days.
jsmc10 wrote: this is fantastic :) he is a shining light and example to other bus drivers :D
moral12 wrote: Such a lovely thing for that bus driver to say. It would have made my day!
Peacehunter wrote: May peace and love be upon you ... i love it ,, and shall use it when ever i get the chance :) HUGS!!
Bluebellgirl wrote: I like this story, it reminds me of a bus driver that I have also befriended in a similar manner. Kindness works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: How nice! I love when anyone finds a way to make their job full of love and kindness. Kudos to the kind bus driver!
czgavilan wrote: That bus driver is making me grin from ear to ear just reading about his kindness!
Elephants wrote: Ohhhh i love this story! Xxxx

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