Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Encouraging a Pirate

--by Roger, posted Sep 3, 2006
My wife and I were at Disneyland taking the shuttle back to the hotel, when this boy -- I guess he must've been 4 or 5 years old -- gets on the shuttle bus with his pirate sword and eye patch.

He was looking real tough in his gear so I decided to yell out to every one on the bus, "Stand back! There is a pirate on the bus."

As fast as the words came out of my mouth the boy pulls off his eye patch, drops his swords, and yells back, "No, no, no. It's just me. I am a little kid, not a real pirate." Everyone on the bus had a great laugh.

The next day his mother saw me in the hotel lobby and stopped me to thank me. She told me that I had made her son's day and that he talked about scaring the big guy on the bus all that night.

P.S. I am 6'3" 280 lbs.
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Readers Comments

Rocky wrote: Hahaha... I can imagine the little boy lol. A great thing... great sincere laugh:D
daisy wrote: Hahahaha! What an accomplishment for the little boy. No wander.......:-)
Louise wrote: Pirates! They have a lot to answer for...not so long ago I was held captive for ages on the top of a climbing frame...

Surpisingly I was treated quite well.

Love your inner child. I think it makes a better world x
naynay wrote: Haha, awesome! Kids are so cute. I bet that made your day aswell.

God bless you.
Doris wrote: Bless you! There is nothing like the smile on a child's face sounds like you were the "highlite" of his vacation,,Thank you
Clare wrote: You are so funny! What a gift you have. Thank you for sharing such a fun story!!
lOVEBUG wrote: You are indeed a gifted soul. Thanks for sharing. God Bless
irongrace wrote: pirates are awesome that you for encouraging the little boy
faithnut wrote: AAAAWWWEEE I love it! You have made my day as well! haha too cute!
Hlengwe Dube wrote: Kids are just so sweet. They are little angels.

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