Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When Kindness Rolls Down Windows

--by AURELIA, posted Oct 27, 2013
On my way home from work, I got stuck in line waiting for my turn to pull out onto the highway. A young man, his wife, and two children were standing on the side of the road. He was holding a sign that asked for money.

I looked at him, wondering, "Does he really need it? Or is this a scam of some sort?"

I felt compelled to look around my car for money, anyway, and I found  a few dollars. Bunching the bills together in my hand, I rolled down my window and called out to the man.

He graciously accepted, and thanked me for my kindness.

Within seconds, more car windows rolled down and money was being waved at him from other drivers nearby. I don't know what he will do with the money, but I feel happy knowing that kind people are still out there. Maybe they are just waiting for someone else to take the first step. :)
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Readers Comments

heartofflesh wrote: You are one of a kind. I am god is pleased he created you!
abhishil wrote: I am so glad u stopped to help. It must hv tkn him and his family so much of courage and heartbreak to have stood there to ask. God bless your family and you.
sundar wrote: You are a very kind and started the kind ripple!
debbe530 wrote: Wonderful, aurelia. Have not seen you post for a while. Welcome back.
gjack18 wrote: I recently had this same experience! I stopped a bunch of traffic by slowing down to give money to a family and as i drove off i saw. Bunch of cars giving the the family too. It felt so good to start a 'trend. '
princessliz wrote: Thanks for helping him Aurey :) Good ripple action. :)
Estarovia wrote: Gosh this makes me cover with goosebumps! I am so happy you did that.. honestly if they have to stand there don't you think they need the money. I always do and I feel that the Universe guides me in my decisions
Mish wrote: I know what you mean about wondering if the need is real, but on the chance that it is, I usually give too.
Glad you started a "kindness ripple" there Aurelia.
angela4et wrote: Kindness is contagious, lets all start this kindness *pandemic*
angela4et wrote: Kindness is contagious, lets all start this kindness *pandemic*

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