Stories of Kindness from Around the World

All You Need is Little Bit of Love

--by hpotter, posted Sep 6, 2006
With the recent floods in Gujarat, India, I've been busy with flood relief work in the affected slums.  We distribute medicines, food, clothing, etc. but what is the most important thing to give is love.

There are countless stories of how love makes a difference.  One important part of our work is going out, cutting fingernails, combing hair and playing with kids.  There is no particular incidence that strikes me but rather the power of simply giving love.  The magnetic force that drew kids to the volunteers was love, pure and simple.  As we talked to the kids, they seemed to blossom, basking in the attention that each was receiving.

At one point, a bunch of kids had gathered around me, while I was watching over some pots of food, while others were going house to house for distribution.  Soon I was teaching head and shoulders, knees and toes and Simon says.  After 15 minutes, we had a mini talent show going right off of the main street.  The kids performed different songs and dances they knew for a growing audience of adults and kids.  Looking on, you would not be able to believe that the performers were people who just had their home flooded and belongings washed away.

A little bit of love, no presents or material things, is all it takes.
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Readers Comments

Shveta wrote: Beautiful! thanks for sharing:)
Louise wrote: Some times it takes a moment to step back from the hectic pace of life and think. To remember the things that are most important and the all the love that we have to give. I hope to keep remembering and acting on these thoughts. Thank you for reminding me x
DEVASHISH BARANWAL wrote: Thanks for sharing us such a wonderful exprience .
It shows how strong the love is.........
tanya wrote: gud to know that love still has the power to draw many people together...make them united n stand together..its an unspoken love n understanding!!
carol wrote: Thanks for submitting this. I think I needed to read it today.
Bless you for doing the work and loving you do!
daisyrie wrote: Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience of you. It only show to everybody that love can be expressed in ur own little ways and will be able to encourage and cheer-up one's
soul. Keep on spreading and showing ur love to everyone!
urooj wrote: Thats so tue, no presents or gifts, just little acts of kindness and love can make a difference. Thanks for sharing

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