Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Purple Carnations at the Hospital

--by earthling, posted Sep 15, 2006
"Do you need a vase for your purple carnations? " asked a gentle voice and I woke up in my hospital bed. It was one of those few  rare moments when no one else was in the room with me and I had slipped into slumber.

"Yes - these are from a special friend" I managed to say looking at her for the first time. She was a janitor and while clearing the trash can, she had chanced upon the flowers. But why would she care? And she said 'purple carnations' precisely.

I asked her if she likes flowers. Her eyes lit up and she spoke in excited bursts. She LOVES flowers and in her garden, every flower that blooms each day gets a special hug and bye from her before she leaves for work. My God!

I told her that I've been getting a lot of flowers and after appreciating  the boquets for an hour or so, we have been passing it on to the nurses station or other rooms in the hospital they could brighten up. And I'll be really really happy if she took them with her.

She was overwhelmed but being the nice person she is, she still tried to convince me that I should have half of them and she will happily take the rest home. I asked her if she could split it with someone else on the way instead and she was doubly happy.

She left, came back and said she'll be thinking of me whenever she sees purple. I almost choked.  Such goodwill for something so small? I passed it on to the friend who brought me those flowers.
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Readers Comments

gracey wrote: that a very inspirational story. heart warming with lots of love.
Hannah wrote: What a beautiful story. It seems like it's always the small things that have the biggest impact...
Sandra wrote: Thanks for the good idea of sharing the joys of life with others, even the gifts we have been given from others. I think this is also true of the talents God has given us--if we share them they seem to grow in value and appreciation. You shared God's love with others by a small and simple act of kindness.
cinnamonhead wrote: very nice story, thank you for sharing. love really is all around!
CharlieB wrote: Amazing how even a small thing can brighten someone's day and how nice of you to give her an opportunity to do something nice by sharing as well.
Jami2D wrote: I first read this story because someone very special to me loves purple carnations. She also happens to be a sister (nun)in the hospital where both my children were born. By chance i read this, by choice i will re-gift or at least share some flowers soon. Thank you for your sweet spirit.

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