Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Tree of Treats

--by Tinav, posted Sep 17, 2006
I have always loved to give,
and surprise people. It often frustrates me that I don't have the money to do more. But try to do the best with what I have- and be creative with it!

Here are a few things I have done. I hope it will inspire everyone to keep on their giving journey.

* Left gift baskets on friends
doors. Today My friend was going on an over-due road trip
with her family. I created a road trip basket with- sodas,
magazines, munchies, coloring
books. Left it on her doorstep
and drove off. I called and told her there was a tornado
to check out her front door,
and she found the basket.
She called in tears, saying it
was the first time anyone had
done anything like that.
(Isnt it sad with a world full
of millions of people...that this doesnt happen everyday?)

* I went to my neighbors,
with my son and bought fun
little toys at walgreens,
we tied colored string around
the toys, and hung them in
her tree's. When they came
home- their tree's were full
of treats! It put smiles on
their faces! We also bought squirt guns this summer, and my son and I tied them onto our neighbors door knobs and rang the doorbell and ran :)

* I have paid for a friends
broken down car, paid for
someones rent anonymously...
bought the homeless lunch,
(also, its nice to make
zip locked baggies of care
kits to hand out to people
in need) zip locked baggies
of; razors, soap, mcdonalds
gift certificates, etc...
when you see someone who is
down and out, hand them a care package!

* Decorated a little girls
room who had nothing- when
she came home she had a new comforter and pillows!
that was fun....

I have sent FUN, FUN things
through the mail! Plastic animals with notes attached and the stamps are on their heads! My friend called, barely able to speak because she was laughing so hard at the hippo in her mailbox!
Leave Random CD's or cards
on benches....
a note on a strangers car.

Those are a few things-
and it fills up my heart
to be able to do it!

With Love,
TinaV in Az.
1520 Reads

Readers Comments

jessicah wrote: I am crying, thankyou,
You are a very beautiful person, bless you
Lyzette wrote: You are a beautiful person. I often get cravings to do things like that. You have inspired me so much.

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