Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Tins of Chocolate with a Smile...

--by sonrisa, posted Sep 20, 2006
Recently, my Mother underwent a surgery to repair a valve in her heart at UCLA Medical Center.  During the first couple of days she was in the hospital, my Dad was telling me how wonderful the nurses were in the ICU and how they took such great care of my Mom and made sure she was comfortable at all times. 

I told him it would be great if we could think of a fun way to show our gratitude -- in the whole process of going through a major surgery, the nurses are often the people who get overlooked the most and aren't thanked enough for the compassion and care they give to each patient.  My Dad had a great idea -- he asked me to bring along some cute decorative tins of chocolate from London for all of them.

When I arrived at the hospital, I had my first opportunity to tag Kara, who my Dad had told me earlier was so sweet and had spent almost 36 hours caring for my Mom over the past 3 days!  It really made her day to receive something as small as a tin of chocolates to show how much we appreciated the wonderful care she was providing to my Mom. 

Each day after that, we tagged her daytime nurse and evening nurse and you could see that this small act really made their day.  Nurses really are the true heroes of the process of recovery and it was so nice that this situation presented us with a unique opportunity to thank them directly for their service to others.
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Readers Comments

tanya wrote: its really really appreciable..its an act of kindness which everyone should do 4 others.but offcourse we don't have blood relations with them but the relation of humanity n solidarity is above all relations..
3 cheers 4 the act of kindness..
earthling wrote: I was at a hospital myself recently and have been overwhelmed by the kindness of so many nurses. Most of them do their job not just with kindness but also a sense of joy. Thanx for all the chocolates and the story!
Lorrine wrote: Too many persons in the service industry today feel that they should be rewarded for doing their duty so it's nice to be able to do something for someone who deserves it rather than expects it!
yo mama wrote: I like pizza with tins of tins of chocolate
Betti wrote: Thinking like that shows an eexprt at work

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