Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Dancing Butterfly Balloons

--by wagner, posted Oct 26, 2013
I was at the local grocery store and kept running into this young father with his small daughter (perhaps 4-5.) It was obvious that these folks did not have an easy time financially. What they had in their cart was pretty meager. 

It was odd that I kept passing them in various aisles and would overhear their conversations. The little girl would ask for something and her father would reply, “We just can’t get that today, honey.” 

Bless her heart, she never fussed. 

Then - wouldn't you know it – they ended up right in front of me at the checkout! That's where I heard the little gal ask her dad if she might have the big balloon that was floating overhead, attached to the till. 

It really was quite magnificent ... a brightly colored butterfly with an impressive wingspan and the words "YOU ARE LOVED!" printed across it.  

Oh, how this little girl wanted it!  

However, the price tag was $12.99 and the father could hardly find the $18.62 for his groceries. I knew it would embarrass him if I asked to be allowed to purchase his groceries. However, I did thrust a couple of $20 bills into his hand and said, "My little girl is all grown up. If she were little again, I'd want to buy a balloon for her."  

A bit later, I was thrilled to watch them exit the store with not one but TWO balloons (after all, butterflies like to have company.) The last I saw of the little girl she was literally dancing in the parking lot  with two butterflies soaring gracefully in the wind.  

How beautiful is that?
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Readers Comments

princessliz wrote: What a lovely story :)
Dobby wrote: Wonderful!

Too often I'm too practical and the practical side of me quietly whispered that your money could have been put to a better practical use (saved for next week's food).

But there's such a thing as too much practicality esp. when it pushes out beauty and joy. You gave them beauty and joy which was money well spent!
Mish wrote: Lovely to read this. :)))))
unicorn.7 wrote: ty for sharing and what you did to put a smile on that little girl is something you won't forget lovely story
jsmc10 wrote: so fantastic :) I think this was fate :)
Blessed2BKind wrote: Awesome! It's so nice to see folks living outside of their own little world. Thanks for sharing. This brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart.
Hasifa wrote: absolutely beautiful. you deserve lots of hugs and kisses. Indeed butterflies do need company. And I can picture the little girl doing he dance. That's what we call not waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.
arun wrote: Great. Really great. No words to describe.
spiritchild wrote: Sometimes we do need to follow the heart and not the head. I have a feeling that young girl will always remember that butterfly balloon.
June McLaren wrote: I agree with dobby. My practical nature kicked in. I could see one balloon. But, two? Then, i read the rest of the story. Sometimes you just need to sail above the world's problems. Sometimes you need two balloons! Happy, cheery story!

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