Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving Needs Receiving

--by Arthur, posted Nov 2, 2013
I was going through my wallet in the grocery line to pay for the groceries I had selected when I noticed the woman behind me counting coins to pay for the little that she was purchasing. 

So, I turned to her and said, "I'll pay for it for you." 

She looked up at me with hurt pride and said, "No thank you!" 

I felt really humbled and disappointed. As I payed for my own groceries the cashier asked if I had some coins to pay for part of my bill so she would not have to change the larger note I offered. 

I did not. 

The woman behind me reached forward with a quarter and said, "You can take it out of this." 

I was stunned. She could hardly pay for her groceries but she was willing to offer her quarter to pay for mine! I was tempted to say, "No, thank you," but when I looked at  her face and saw how gladly she was offering it I stopped. I said, "Thank you," instead and she just lit up.

It was a bitter-sweet lesson for me to learn that it is just as  important to receive as it is to give.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: So very true . Good share. :))
Dobby wrote: Very true and something most of us here at HO have to remind ourselves! I always find it interesting how hard it is for me to receive kindness from others. So weird.
jsmc10 wrote: this is so great, those who have the least seem to give the most :)
Hasifa wrote: Indeed sometimes recieving is just as important to make someone feel special. I once read that the general idea behind giving is the good feeling that the giver gets for giving and not always about the good that the gift will do.
Thank you for sharing.
have a beautiful day.
drkkali wrote: You made her day by allowing her to be of help to someone else. Sometimes we need to receive kindness too as a way to show kindness.
Raye wrote: I'm often reminded of the one who said "it is more blessed to give than to receive" but he didn't add that it's also more fun!
debbe530 wrote: Beautiful share. Thanks.
brindlegirl wrote: What a wonderful lesson you had and for us all. Those that are truly rich are rich in the heart and your heart is so very full.

Bless you xox

maryjo47 wrote: An important lesson for all of us to remember.
happytotoro wrote: Nice sharing <3

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