Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Neighbour's Mail

--by Sisip, posted Nov 4, 2013
My neighbor lives "upstate" but also keeps her house next to us empty for emergency use. She only visits for a day at a time and often doesn't visit for months on end. 

Her mail box was often stuffed before I offered to collect it for her while she was away. Not only do I collect her mail but I get rid of all the junk-mail because I know she hates it. 

She sometimes pays me for this; no more than five dollars - which I put into an envelope and sneak back into her mail! 

Each time she opens one of those envelopes she smiles from ear to ear and, when she sees me, she gives me a hug that nearly snaps me in half.

Kindness costs nothing!
2376 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You Little Angel you!!!!!

jsmc10 wrote: this is so great, bless you :)
princessliz wrote: Oh that's pretty neat :)
LOVINGHEART wrote: Bless you!
dmccullough1957 wrote: That is so awesome
sysgram wrote: You are the true definition of a neighbor. Blessings.
Someone ^~^ wrote: Thats really thoughtful
maryjo47 wrote: I love the surprise element you came up with to pay it forward and bring yet another smile to your neighbor's face.
LaughingFox wrote: Such a heartwarming story,
sisip wrote: Thanks guys. I still do it to this day.

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