Readers Comments
Mish wrote: You are a delightful spirit. :))
princessliz wrote: Happy that it was spared. Thanks for making a difference to that turtle. :)
Sisip wrote: :D
happytotoro wrote: Wonderful! :)
lcmiddlesworth wrote: Awesome! My children have brought home many hurt turtles over the years. We would always call the vet, do what they advised and several saved turtles. :-)
gj1 wrote: Thank you for saving the turtle.
meggent wrote: That is a very sweet story! Thank you!
janmarieburns wrote: All too often we treat other sentient beings as if they have less rights, their feelings are less important or their lives are to ended without thought. Thank you for saving the turtle's beautiful life!
seasoul12 wrote: Love this. Ty :)
violet wrote: I saw a turtle about to cross a four land street in my town. I'll never understand how it came about but he/she was actually walking down the sidewalk!
I pulled around to the side of the corner and carried her into my car.
Less that two minutes later i released her into the river stream that is at the end of our property.
I learned that red box turtles are indigenous to our waterways!
I pulled around to the side of the corner and carried her into my car.
Less that two minutes later i released her into the river stream that is at the end of our property.
I learned that red box turtles are indigenous to our waterways!