Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Little Girl In Need

--by pat, posted Nov 8, 2013
I was shopping at our little local shopping center the other day and I was just coming back to the underground car park with my bags when I heard a little girl shouting, "Mama, Mama!"

I looked around and saw a 4 year-old's head stuck out of an SUV's open backseat window.

I went over to ask her what was the matter and calm her down saying her mom would surely soon be back. But she said she needed to go to the bathroom urgently. With no mom in sight, I told her to get out and I would take her to the bathroom (the entrance of which was 20 meters from the car.) 

She was very glad and ran with me to the bathroom explaining that she was not allowed to get out of the car by herself. Afterwards she washed her hands and I took her back to the car. Still, there was no mom in sight. But the little girl gave me this really big smile - relieved as she was - and that made my day!

I really hoped that the girl told her mum afterwards what had happened. So, hopefully, next time she won't leave a little girl alone in the car, even if it is only to buy one quick thing from the store.
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Readers Comments

Dobby wrote: Glad you were there for that little girl! Don't know what country you're from but here in the States, the police would've been called. No excuse for leaving such a young child in the car like that!
Ferrari wrote: Very touching. Nice post.
Mish wrote: My husband used to work for a child welfare agency investigating reports of child abuse & Dobby is correct, here in the US leaving a child alone in a vehicle is considered child abuse, a crime.
Glad you were the one who was there for her.
unicorn.7 wrote: No there is no excuse for that i am glad you were there for her just makes me so sad to hear things like that
pat wrote: Well, I had not looked at the situation in such a strict way. I live in Switzerland, in a rural area, so usually nothing happens and people do look after each other's kids to a certain extent. I would not have called it child abuse, and I do not know what made her leave her child in the car. I mean, I have had times when I allowed my kids to stay in the car when I knew I would only be a few minutes shopping, but I waited until they were old enough (and knew their way around) to actually come up into the store and find me if for some reason it took me longer.
I simply thought I would not do it when the girl is that young.
But then again, the community I live in is very slow to get involved in other people's private affairs. It is something you simply don't do (reporting someone to child welfare). And the girl was absolutely well (except for the fact that she needed the bathroom): friendly, confident, outspoken, not to mention well-dressed and sitting in a probably expensive child-seat in a shiny new car.
I did not have any reason to think she was really neglected in any way, except that the mother made a misjudgement that day thinking she could leave her in the car for maybe 10 minutes (or whatever it took for her to come back).
But then I also made a wrong decision. I am thinking now that I should have stayed with the girl and waited until that mother came. But I must admit I was scared to actually confront her and tell her she should not do that sort of thing.
Mish wrote: It only takes one predator .........
Dobby wrote: Don't beat yourself up, Pat. You did the best you could and she must be alright as otherwise there'd be something in your local paper. Countries and areas are different. There's many in the state of Montana who never lock their doors, something Mish and I would never dream of doing!

And unfortunately, Mish and I live in areas where there ARE a too many people who would not hesitate to do evil to a child. Sad to say, but it may explain to you our reaction to the story.
Mish wrote: Hope my posts did not upset you. It was not my intention. Maybe living in NYC makes me over-cautious & sometimes fearful.
You did a kindness for the child & that is love in action.
Again, sorry if I did cause you any upset.
jsmc10 wrote: thank you for being there, I would've hesitated to do this, but handed her something like a towel or container in case, if I had it
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You took the time to care and that matters! :)

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