Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Little Girl In Need

--by pat, posted Nov 8, 2013
I was shopping at our little local shopping center the other day and I was just coming back to the underground car park with my bags when I heard a little girl shouting, "Mama, Mama!"

I looked around and saw a 4 year-old's head stuck out of an SUV's open backseat window.

I went over to ask her what was the matter and calm her down saying her mom would surely soon be back. But she said she needed to go to the bathroom urgently. With no mom in sight, I told her to get out and I would take her to the bathroom (the entrance of which was 20 meters from the car.) 

She was very glad and ran with me to the bathroom explaining that she was not allowed to get out of the car by herself. Afterwards she washed her hands and I took her back to the car. Still, there was no mom in sight. But the little girl gave me this really big smile - relieved as she was - and that made my day!

I really hoped that the girl told her mum afterwards what had happened. So, hopefully, next time she won't leave a little girl alone in the car, even if it is only to buy one quick thing from the store.
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Readers Comments

Chawluk wrote: You were her guardian angel, at least for that day. Each of us has more of those "angels" than we can possibly count. Look back over your life - how many times were you saved by some invisible, indescribable force? I believe in miracles - do you? All of us can play a part in somebody's miracle today, tomorrow, or next week, if we're just aware of all the opportunities around us. Thank you for being responsible for that little girl's miracle!
suzycat wrote: Thank yo for helping the little girl and for sharing the story with us!
brindlegirl wrote: You are an angel and like others have said. God sent you.

Though i too worry and perhaps in hindsight would have left a note to the mother. We have all been there, us mothers.
nataaball31 wrote: I think the person who helped her is really kind
nick wrote: It is really good to be kind giving people what u can give
pattipleonard wrote: Thank you for being there! It breaks my heart to read of a child being left in a hot car and dying! Or a pet!
Life is short - take care of your loved ones!
ammu wrote: You r the god there. As we always say god will be visible only through people of born kindness like u,my great great salute and bows!
KnitNana4 wrote: What a lovely story - and what a kind person you are! Can i send 25 karmabucks to you? Hope i can!
renarussin wrote: God sends us angels like you at all times! Believe!
pat wrote: I live in switzerland, in a rural area, and it is really rather safe around here - i would not expect anything bad to happen to small children in general. And i would not cry child abuse if a mother leaves a kid in the car in an underground car park for 10 minutes or so. Just, maybe, thoughtlessness. And i still think maybe i should have waited for the mother to come back and talked to her about the situation, so she would not leave her alone in the car again at that young age.

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