Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Valentines Day in WalMart Parking Lot

--by denise, posted Sep 23, 2006

A good friend of mine... i swear she must be the happiest most loving person I've ever met, convinced me to go out with her on valentines day since we both didn't have dates or boyfriends at that time. I went to grab her at her house, and she had construction paper and markers all over. We made what must have been 200 simple valentines saying simply "happy valentines day" and "have a wonderful day"... which then we drove out to walmart. (in our little town, walmart is the place to go late nights) then we put one on everyone's car in the parking lot.

It was such a sweet thing. I imagine it brightened someones day, plus... it was so much fun making them, and running around putting them on people's cars.

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Readers Comments

nisha wrote: Wow what a labor of love!
sewingsphynx wrote: What a blast! You must've had a great time doing it. Love isn't love until it's shared. Kudos to both of you!
Flowers wrote: Great work!!
RAJ wrote: HAI Iam raj
i would like tell something to u that love is nothing but god so we have love our friends as god loved us i think that knowing about god is presious then we as god help so every thing in world relates god work i appriciate ur work byeeeee
pervaiz wrote: what a nice love
Susan evans wrote: your presence has made the world a better place!!!
thaata wrote: Wonderful idea to cheer another soul. A kind heart recognizes opportunities everywhere to bring happiness to the world at large.

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