Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Found: 20 Bucks and a Smiles

--by Karen Haley, posted Oct 13, 2006
I was shopping and next to me in the meat aisle, was a woman in a too-thin winter coat. Her little boy sat in the cart seat, quietly. I noticed his thin legs, older clothes that were too small for him and his shy smile. That cart was painfully empty. A small bottle of milk and a loaf of the cheapest bread was all that I could see. As I mulled over my selection, I watched the woman out of the corner of my eye. She picked up -- and put down -- the same wrapped pot roast three times. Finally, she turned away, without any meat for her cart. Without thinking, I put my hand in my pocket to see if I had any change. To my astonishment, I pulled out a $20 bill I didn't know I had. I walked up to the woman, tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, ma'am, but this just fell out of your coat pocket." She stared at the $20 like it was a thousand dollar bill. Then we looked at each other. She knew that bill had not dropped out of her coat but I just said, "Have a nice day," smiled at her little boy and walked away. At the next aisle, I peaked back and watched her walk over, pick up the roast and place it in her cart. Since that day, I have joined Feed the Children and feel nothing but joy each time I write my check. I just ordered Smile cards and intend to use them to spread the joy around! After reading several of the stories at your site, I decided that each payday, a fresh, crisp $20 bill will be in my pocket and I will be on the lookout for my next 'victim.' Bless you for such a Wonderful Web Site!
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Readers Comments

Nora wrote: Do you think you would have gotten the same joy if you would have purchased the pot roast and placed it in her cart? (You probably would have to tell the cashier you were going to do.)

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