Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Grandpa's Investment Pays Off

--by Herremon, posted Nov 19, 2013
When I was a student my family went through a few rough financial years. We got by, but only with much effort and many worries.

I had a pick-up truck that was forever breaking down and the thought of the 600km drive to school in it was a worrisome one. As I drove away from home my uncle walked up. I stopped and he threw something onto my dashboard.

He leaned in the window, speaking softly. "Years ago," he said, "when I was a poor student myself your grandfather once did this to me. I swore one day I would return the gift. And now I have." 

Then he walked away without looking back, and I sensed he did so in order to hide his emotions.  

A few miles later I opened the envelope. It contained a few bank notes. It was a gift returned more than two decades later to a second generation; almost like a full circle, because I'm the only one who bears my grandfather's name. The amount wasn't much. Twenty-some years ago it had been enough to buy a full trolley of groceries, or a few tanks of fuel. Now it was just a gesture. But my uncle was jobless at the time and I was nearly broke so, for both of us, it was a meaningful amount.

I paid it forward some years later to another poor boy with an old clunker of a car, adjusting the amount for inflation. As far as I can remember that boy has been the only one I've told this story to - until now. I can only hope that one day he will pay it forward too. 

I couldn't help but feel that Grandpa had made a good investment all those years ago. 
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: oh my gosh! Amazing! :)
Mish wrote: Paying it forward is what it's all about, isn't it. :)))
moral12 wrote: Pretty amazing; great of you to pay it forward, too. Kudos!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Very cool! Kindness has no expiration date so anytime it comes back is awesome! :)
Ammi wrote: Good story
LiveLoveLaugh wrote: Funny i stumbled upon this as it resonates with a key learning on my post today. 'the gift of giving'.
cwh1 wrote: What a wonderful story. The reason it stayed with you - and that you paid it forward - all these years isn't because of the money - it's about the message your grandfather shared with you. That you matter. That he loves you. That he wants the best for you. That he trusts and believes in you. What a wonderful gift he gave you - without saying a word. Thank you for sharing this story.
LeapinLizzard wrote: Beautiful story - thanks so much for sharing!
OlaKala wrote: Thanks for sharing an inspirational story!
LeOx wrote: How do you add a smile to this story? Haha :d thumbs up! :d

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