Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving The Gift Of G-love

--by dolphin78, posted Nov 21, 2013
We were having a colder than usual spell. 

While I was filling up with gas I noticed that the young man helping me didn't have any gloves. I looked around and noticed all the other employees had their hands in warm gloves. He was very uncomfortable, rubbing his hands a lot and stuffing them in his pockets every chance he got. 

I looked at the simple, inexpensive, knitted gloves sitting in my purse. It seemed to me that they wouldn't be much help in this bitter cold - but they were what I had, so I offered them to him! 

"Seriously?" he said. 

"Yes," I replied. "Seriously!" 

You would have thought I had given him a $100 dollar bill! I know the gloves helped warm his hands, but not as much as his appreciation warmed my heart. 
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Wow, so amazing! Thank you for doing this :)
princessliz wrote: It's nice to see people giving honestly of what they have and others appreciate it- with such excitement.
Your kind act rocked! :)
Thanks for sharing.
Mish wrote: This made me smile broadly. Bless you for your kind heart! :)))))
deactivated wrote: 1.that's right, like the way J expressed, it was really amazing, thank u and love ye for doing this:)))
2.Oh yes princy is right, your act really did rock!!!!!!!!
3. like mish said , i am still smiling, take care of your heart dear:))) ha ha:)))
starryskies wrote: Lovely, lovely, lovely. :) Thanks for being a kindness angel and making our world a brighter, more beautiful place! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Kindness matters, thanks for caring! :)
moral12 wrote: That was a very kind and caring gesture on your part to give him your gloves. Bless you!
umrh58 wrote: What a blessing for both of you. There have been times i needed gloves so i can appreciate the attendant's reaction.
melissa.leann23 wrote: Sometimes our view on things are so different the others. What is simple and not enough for us is over the top for someone else. Thank you for opening your mind for that moment to see that even to you this was big to them. I try to show my kids this every day.
pattipleonard wrote: How beautiful - very generous and sensitive of you - he will remember that forever

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