Readers Comments
Dobby wrote: Thanks for reaching out to your neighbor. People often withdraw from those with conditions like cancer or who are dying (I guess deep down we're afraid of "catching" it). I'm sure she really needs your kindness. Please keep it up!
Mish wrote: Bless you.
unicorn.7 wrote: May your heart be bless each and everyday hugs for reaching out
deactivated wrote: It's nice that U gave her the violet:))), wow! right now she can enjoy the beauty in that flower:)))), might be she would love the fragrance of it and the colour too:)))) and smile card will make her smile :)))))
If she is allowed outdoors, she can enjoy the nature.
Your act really brings a warm feelings:))) <3<3
From now on mary is going to be surrounded by a lovely breeze and by an angel named linda:)))))).
If she is allowed outdoors, she can enjoy the nature.
Your act really brings a warm feelings:))) <3<3
From now on mary is going to be surrounded by a lovely breeze and by an angel named linda:)))))).
starryskies wrote: Wow, you're an inspiration! Thanks for being you!! So beautiful. :)
princessliz wrote: Very sweet of you, especially in light of her diagnosis.
jsmc10 wrote: bless you, this was such a beautiful act :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Awww, that is great! So glad the Smile Cards are spreading smiles with you both. Keep up the great work! :)
moral12 wrote: Linda, you don't say where she lives, but, you might mention to your neighbor to check into Hospice since she is opting not to treat her cancer. These people can help when the diagnosis is terminal. Just a thought.
cpcrowley77 wrote: It is great to reach out to a neighbor and the world is always the better for it when you do, or we do. Thank you very much for your diligence on her behalf.