Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Three Smiles are Better Than One

--by Danceman, posted Oct 19, 2006
Saturday I was with my 8 year old son and we were in Boston at the Boston Commans. There was a manyelling out "spare change." He was a homeless man.

My son said, "Dad can I give him a dollar and one of your smile cards." I said you sure can Jared. I been teaching my son to be very loving and caring. So when the homeless man took the dollar and the smile card he said to Jared, "this is the best spare change I ever got because you made me smile with this nice card thank you so much. Have a nice day." And then he turned
as he was walking away and said, "keep smiling."

I looked at Jared and he looked at me and we were both smiling together and Jared said dad I feel so good that I made that poor man smile and I told him me too honey and I am very proud of you. Then Jared gave me a big hug and said,

"I love you dad." So the thing I loved the most out of this story is from one smile card we ended up getting three smiles the homeless man, Jared, and me John.

Thank you so much SmileGroups have a wonderful day from your loving and caring Jared and John.
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Readers Comments

Kindly wrote: Hello Jared and John. THANK YOU for sharing this touching story. I oncsread this cute little thing said about smiles:" Smile a smile,and soon someone else will smile. Before you know it there will be mile after mile with smiles." Have a smilefilled day! Love from Kindly
Heartbroken wrote: Hello Jared and John..You just made my heart smile to read this letter of what u both did for that man..So keep passing out your kindness and smile cards..I just found this site and won't loose it..I believe in it and will start passing out smile's also..
Have a smilefilled heart forever.
Love from Heartbroken who will forever smile daily..
victor wrote: Hello Jared and John, You story really made me smile. Thanks for sharing it and its good to know that someone really is trying to change our troubled world with smiles.
Sulaiman wrote: "Smile is charity"-Prophet Muhammed

How true is that
john wrote: Smile made me to forget my streses
Norangelice wrote: Hello Jared and John. I'm soo proud of your son for doing that and of you for teaching him to be so caring and genuine about it as well. Keep up the great work. :-)
Kemmy wrote: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Sir Isaac Newton.

Jared and John, to me every action results in a chain reaction which may not stop after this incident...
cassiemeadows wrote: awww. thats a beautiful story. thanks for sharing it
Pavan wrote: These are truely bifuteaul photos and to be treasured. God has really blessed you with two very precious boys and he (god) is enjoying your bifuteaul butterfly. I love you all heaps

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