Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taco Cabana

--by pepsipatporter, posted Nov 24, 2013
I was at Taco Cabana looking at the menu while drinking an iced tea to cool off from a long day of running errands.  I was trying to decide what to feed my family that evening.
An elderly woman was struggling with the door so I opened the door.  She was frail and a little confused with the menu.  After a long time ordering and many questions she pulled out her coin purse to pay.  She had to take an item off to pay as she was short the funds. 

I told the cashier (without her hearing) to tell her that her order was on the house and I would pay.  The look on her face was priceless as he told her someone anonymously treated her to lunch.  While they filled her order, I had them add a second meal, 2 desserts, a smile card, and a gift card to her bag without her knowing.

She got her order and I carried it to the car for her.   She then told me her name and how her day had been bad up until the visit to Taco Cabana.  Her husband was in the hospital and had asked for food and Taco Cabana was his favorite place. But that she had been struggling with money between household and medical expenses and only had enough for him to eat.  After a few minutes of chatting she was on her way back to her husband. 

When I went back into Taco Cabana for my order, the manager handed me my order and I was on my merry way. 

When I got home, I discovered a free dessert and an order of chips and queso in my bag.  Guess giving is contagious.
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Readers Comments

18cspears wrote: I love this.
katso wrote: Very inspiring. A great pass it forward story.
Phillygq wrote: What a tremendous testament to kindness! Thank you.
milagrosx2 wrote: So inspiring. Lets make this culture a model of generosity and kindness. Wouldn't it be awesome if america came to be known as the nation of compassion, caring and solidarity rather than. Well, you know.
Stars24 wrote: Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to do the same!
cpcrowley77 wrote: Giving is contagious and when we give to others, the act in and of itself is to give to one another. Thank you!
umrh58 wrote: Thank you for your story. As an elderly gent i will try to pass your kindness on.
pepsipatporter wrote: Thanks for all the nice comments. I actually just spent the last week in the hospital having kindness up kindness bestowed upon me. Now I am out and as soon as I can, I will get out there paying it back. Take care all, Happy Holidays!
Raqui wrote: That is so nice and I know it helped her in a great way. It is so nice when the RAOK is spread around.
Bluebell wrote: So lovely to see that your loving kindness has created immediate ripples of kindness. Thank you for looking after the elderly lady but also to have taken time to listen to her story, I am sure that your kindness will be remembered for as long as she lives. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell

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