Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Smiley Rocks Get Famous

--by starryskies, posted Nov 27, 2013
Today I spent some quality time with one of my cousins. We decided to go for a walk at a nearby beach.  

I brought a permanent black marker with me and, as we walked and talked, I occasionally picked up stones and wrote positive words or drew hearts and smiley faces on them.  

On the way back, we could see the original path we took marked by love and smiles. It was beautiful! 

Well, I told one of my sisters about this. A few days later day she, excitedly, called me up to her room. She showed me some pictures posted on a local association's Facebook page. They included two of the rocks I had left behind, one of a heart and the other of the message "Love wins."  

It looks like a couple of the rocks have been found and have reached a wider audience! I hope these messages of love continue to spread.
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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: Fantastic idea! I may have to "borrow" your idea and decorate a few of my own to leave around. Thanks for sharing. You rock! (rock star, that is, not a stone-cold stone). ;)
annelly wrote: I love it! . I will do the same! :d
annelly wrote: I love it! . Will do the same :d great project to do with my kids too!
4everblooming wrote: This is a wonderful idea. And your work and thoughts are lovely. I am grateful to be a part of your wider audience. Thanks.
AnaMacario wrote: Such a lovely idea, i loved it*
huanita wrote: Starry skies, lovve it. Nd you make beautiful art. I am going to follow in your footsteps. And talk about spreading your kindness - i live all the way in india :). I have begun making postcards and paintings that i leave behind. Thank you for the inspiration. See? You did another kind act without meaning to:) hugggs.
peggy_schlagel wrote: Oh, wow! What an awesome idea. I will have to do that myself. It inspires me that your messages have reached others,
singlestep wrote: What a creative idea! Smiling thinking of all those who walked that way after you and enjoyed the inspiration left by a hidden hand...
deactivated wrote: LOVELY!:)))), that was really nice , with all those water bodies nearby and With your lovely cousin, it should have been a lovely breeze. Among all these things u picked up the stone and wrote something with a warm and a lovely heart, MAN! it was really nice, I guess even I can try to do such things when I meet my should have been really lovely man, just imagine!!! with the breeze, water body, sand,pebbles of love.... u just left something that might live in the heart of people forever:))))) that's what even robin sharma talks about , leaving a lovely legacy on your way. Hey starry, I didn't do such things,but,I really love doing such things:)))))))
Mish wrote: You often come up with beautiful creative acts of kindness! ((((HUGS))))

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