Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"Meet la Bestia, the Beast"

--by Anonymous , posted Dec 4, 2013
One of the few freight networks that still makes the rounds on Mexico's rugged countryside. Immigrants from Central and South America board the trains in an attempt to reach Mexico's northern border quickly.

The trail is dangerous: the travelers face mutilation and death from falling off the train. Criminal gangs stalk the southernmost lengths of the network, stopping the trains in their tracks. The travelers are lucky if they are left alive. The few women that board the trains' roofs are raped and kidnapped. On the central and northern lengths of the trail, narcos are always prowling, ready to scare the travelers into surrendering their belongings. Some of them are forcibly recruited into the narcos' ranks as slave footsoldiers. Some are killed in cold blood, their bodies ditched into mass graves. They are chased by inmigration officers and federal police, who have been known to commit shameless acts of human rights violations under law and corruption's protection.

By and large, however, the biggest peril they face is death by starvation and dehydration. These are people of scarce resources, who'll use the little money they possess to pay for a pollero to help them cross into the USA. They can't afford food, and they can't get off the train for supplies: they risk being arrested, looted, murdered, or losing their ride in doing so.

For close to 20 years, this group of 15 women from Amatlan, Veracruz has provided much needed aid to the people who board the train in their search for a better future. They do so without any tangible reward, at the risk of losing their lives. The women from the group have been threatened with death and kidnapping in several occasions, by criminal groups and law enforcement officials alike.

Their effort is small but appreciated: The women stand next to the train tracks, holding out bags with lunches for the immigrants, some of whom may have spent whole days without drinking or eating. They also provide care and shelter for injured and lost immigrants.

How does it change the world?

In a country ravaged by turf wars between cartels, widespread poverty, and discrimination towards any individual whose skin tone is a few shades darker, all facts enabled by a government that is too corrupt, too incompetent, or simply doesn't care, these women have made the traveler's lives a little easier, a little brighter, a little less frightening. They care not for international politics or law. They care for their fellow humans' lives.

What they do does not solve the problem of illegal immigration to the US. It does not accelerate the economy of these immigrants' home countries. But it has done a lot more than 40 years worth of immigration policy and enforcement have been able to do: ensure that some of these travelers, chased from their countries by poverty and crime, will stay alive.

Their labour shows that one does not need a college degree to make the world a little brighter. It takes consideration, conscience, and love towards our fellow man. It is not a panacea, but it is better than sitting at a desk, pretending to care for the people.

It is a small effort, that has saved lots of lives. And that, in my book, makes the world a brighter place, a place worth fighting for in more significant ways.

(Source - â€‹" 
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Readers Comments

heartofflesh wrote: I am shocked by the horrors the immigrants face but the silverlining is those women who reach out in spite of their own safety. Very deeply touching story and very inspiring.
heartofflesh wrote: I am shocked by the horrors the immigrants face but the silverlining is those women who reach out in spite of their own safety. Very deeply touching story and very inspiring.
2bkind wrote: I read the book enrique's journey by sonia nazario last year and the book is about enrique's journey from south america to the u. S . Nazario traveled this same route for the book and she also talks about the horrible trial and tribulations on the trains! Then she too came across some villages where women, men and children came running out to the train to pass out food and clothing. There is also a group of church people in the northern part of mexico that helps people who have been beaten by gangs etc! A great book into a scary journey that happens every day because people want a better life for themselves and families! Continue to be kind to everyone you meet!
dorcecreations wrote: Speechless, may god bless these women heart. Do anything we can to make the world a better place.
They are really stand up and be human. When you give and honestly care for others, the universe will always provide you too love, care and happiness.
Let's walk together, changes is the next exit.
Gail wrote: Their courage (strong-heartedness) is so inspiring! There is so much misery, and those in power seem only to make it worse. All we can do is care for others as best we can, each of us one by one, and in groups as possible, as these wonderful women are doing. May the blessings of all buddhas and bodhisattvas, gods and goddesses, angels, spirits, and yes, those of us who care also, be with them.
moral12 wrote: God bless these women of veracruz for trying to make a difference in their way.
traceykinohio wrote: I am so glad placed these angels where they need to be, in spite of risk to their own lives. Prayers!
Ramesan T wrote: Amazing! The noble ladies deserves at least an applause from us. Many sit idle and speaks a lot but these courageous women warriors shown the way of caring others in those dangerous terrain with a bold heart and kindness in their actions. Loka samasta sukhino bhavanthu, the great message given to the world by bharath or india is in this way. Let the entire world be happy by doing this and seeing and hearing such dare and caring act. May the world and its 650 crore people learn the essence of this act and change their mind.

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