Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Forty Fantastic Minutes On The Phone

--by starryskies, posted Dec 7, 2013
I had a busy "to do" list today and was about to get started when my sister called. 

I talked with her for a short time and could hear my seven year old niece in the background, full of energy as always, and getting told off for something. I asked to speak with her, both because I love talking to her and because I was hoping I could help divert some of her energy in a more positive direction and give my sister a break. 

I listened and talked with her on the phone, giving her as much time as she needed to share her thoughts and express herself. 

The conversation went on for quite a while as I was updated on all the latest, important happenings in her life. In exchange for my time she gifted me with her adorable stories and sense of humor. She says the cutest things that always surprise me and cause me to laugh out loud! 

As our conversation began, she was a bit out of breath as she had been busy pretending she to be an octopus jumping around on an "obstacle course" of pillows. After that she told me about her friend's birthday party, which included a dalmatian cake, chocolate ice cream, and sand art! Then there was the most recent fort she'd built, with layers and layers of blankets to make it extra dark! Then there were stories about her new little brother (who has learned how to make some funny new faces,) cute animals she's seen recently (3 dogs and 1 cat,) and, of course, the weather! 

Forty minutes later she finished, saying, "Well, I should probably let you get going." 

At one point in the conversation my mind had drifted back to my "to do" list, but then I consciously turned it back to her. I chose to be present with her and give her my full attention so that she felt important and special. Because she is. Children are so precious and grow so fast! And we can learn so much from them and the way they see the world. When choosing between my niece and my to do list, I decided that chores and errands can wait - every time!
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Readers Comments

starryskies wrote: Thanks all! :) one small note, i think the wording of this story was changed from my original (i can't check because it's no longer listed on my profile). Specifically, the wording that my niece was getting "told off" for something. I don't remember writing that. She may have been scolded, but my sister is kind and thoughtful about her choice of words. Perhaps it was a typo. Wanted to clarify. <3
moral12 wrote: That is so cute, and, you got to hear about all of her "adventures"! You rock!
Twinklepoppet wrote: Your niece sounds brilliant and it's lovely she wants to share what she's doing with you in lots of detail. x
jsmc10 wrote: :D you can waste days away with children and babies, but what a lovely 'waste' :P
Bluxess wrote: You have taught her to 'make' time ... She can pass this on to another child when she grows older ... A very precious pay-it-forward my friend :-)))
deactivated wrote: For sure childrens are precious and childrens are really lovely and shiny:))))))). Look at that little sweetie ,saying that she is an octopus and seems like she is making her way through obstacles!!!, It was really lovely that u wanted to hear out from your sis:)) <3<3<3<3<3
Dobby wrote: So glad you could do this for her. It takes patience! I think my mind would've wandered back to my to-do list numerous times so kudos for keeping that to a minimum too. Being present to the one in front of us is something I keep working on. It's hard for me, so I'm always happy when I can see someone being able to do that! Keeps me trying.
Mish wrote: Like my precious mother-in-law told me often, the chores will still be there tomorrow, enjoy today (I loved when she'd tell me that! :)). Happy you have such a bubbly little niece to love :)))

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