Readers Comments
Valerie wrote: I loved this story. And the final line says it all - it is so much more filling to give. Thanks for the reminder.
toys wrote: muy amable la torta de chocolate. me habría gustado hablar con ellas para saber si fueran de México o de otro país hispanohablante.
Brendan wrote: I just loved this story, it gave me goosebumps! What a great moment!
Jenny wrote: Isn't this what life is all about . . .giving
Urwashi wrote: So much thought to others its so feeling to know that there is people who do care about others....
Marilyn wrote: I too love the story and especially the last 'it's more filling' part. It's so rewarding to give, especially like that, why do we so often go about our business thinking of our errands, our duties, our, our, our...? Takes a whole new mindset to keep looking for opportunities.
Christy wrote: What an amazing story, inst it thesame way God sometimes send help to us. And thank you for the reminder to always csear every opportunity to do some thing little to put a smile on someone face.
miranda wrote: i guess sometimes we are just too selfish to think of the happiness we could bring others with just one "little" selfless act.
JO wrote: Chaw chien cheval Je como cant de ghoul petite chocolate
mallika wrote: i am an hindu.indianand we believe invarious gods and worship with pictures.and i had a one for a long time, mt sister who ha been suffering for almost 20 yrs losing her husband,child and family one by one has lost belief.she was with me for twomonths and i was trying to convince that god alone has helped her to have her atleast in the present stage and tell that she needed to trust that god will help.when she was leaving for her home she wished for the picture which i valued very much. though it took some mins to make up i gave the picture to her wishing her good luck.she is enjoying love after a very long span of years together.recently i was overwhelmed with tears when she said the pic has got me good luck and now she has built an alter an worships the god more elaborately than me...true it is she is happy and i feel i was able to install the trust by the small sacrifice...but now i feel very happy and wish to comment that small act of sacrifice is rewarded with big satisfaction...