Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Friendly Lunch

--by Daziejane, posted Dec 20, 2013
A new friend at work showed her true colors to me last week.

We were working a lunch shift together. She works as a sous-chef on a more than full time basis. Our gardeners had been outside in the heat working all morning.

As she finished up lunch for the clients, she turned and went out the door for a moment. I could see her speaking with the two men who spoke little to no English. She then returned to the kitchen and made both men a heaping plate of food.

After giving the food to the men, she returned to the kitchen without a word and continued working. When they finished with their plates, one gentleman handed his plate to me and apologized in broken English that I would then have to wash the plate.

I assured him that it was no trouble. He thanked the two us many times, gave us a huge smile, and went about his day. What a lovely way to thank these men for the beauty that they create and care for everyday!

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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: That was very nice of your sous chef to do that. I know the men were appreciative.
jsmc10 wrote: how wonderful :)
Mish wrote: I am sure they were amazed & glowing from the kindness many probably do not extend to them. Workers deserve kindness & appreciation :))
Dobby wrote: I agree with Mish, they probably don't get noticed, except when they make a mistake. So glad your friend, even tho she was working and concentrating, also noticed those around her and saw the opportunity for kindness and took it. AND she didn't toot her horn about it. Humility. Great story!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! I love when you catch someone being kind and humble like your friend!
Daziejane wrote: I could see that she thought nothing of it. Just a way to show thanks. The smiles from those men said it all. Every time I see them now they wave and smile which in turn does the same for me.

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