Readers Comments
Glowworm wrote: What a great thing to do to celebrate your mother's life and honor her memory. *hugs* That is truly beautiful.
Mish wrote: Yes, agree with Glowworm. Beautiful!
jsmc10 wrote: Bless you, such a wonderful act :)
blessed2bkind wrote: Thanks for sharing, it means so much to even get a visit in a nursing home. My mom is in one now and just the thought of someone coming to visit brightens their day. Balloons would be an awesome surprise and everyone loves balloons ;)
Bellavida wrote: Wonderful! Inspires me to do the same with my 2 yr old in tow. I want her to know how great it feels to be kind to others. Thanks for the idea.
petra wrote: Inspired to remember my mum on her birthday with an axt of kindness i think she would have liked that