Stories of Kindness from Around the World

This Is Really Great!

--by anonymous, posted Jan 10, 2014
Leaving Paris, I had no more use for my mobile SIM card, which still had quite a bit of talk-time on it.

So, after checking-in for my flight, I made a detour to the Arrival area, where I found a just-arrived, almost-elderly couple making enthusiastic enquiries in English at the Information Desk. I asked if they'd like my SIM card and talk-time.

The man replied, "We had just a moment ago asked where we could buy one." "Now you have one," I said, handing his wife a small, cellophane envelope containing the SIM and a Smile Card. "Wow," he said, "this is great!"

She removed the Smile Card and started to examine it as I turned to head-back to the Departure area. "Hey," she called after me, "THIS is REALLY great!" I simply kept-on walking, grinning as broadly as I hoped they were.
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Readers Comments

loispoet wrote: I don't believe it was a coincidence, it was a need met be a giving and caring person. Good job!
moral12 wrote: Great gesture on your part! You rock!
Glowworm wrote: Woot! Love this <3 I understand that traveling can be confusing/scary/expensive enough as it is. What you did truly lifted a burden from their shoulders, I'm sure. God bless you!
Mish wrote: Synchronicity at its' best! :))
markiejay wrote: The fun thing was that the SIM was deeply appreciated, but the Smile Card got the big reaction.

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