Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lessons from an old woman on the bus

--by reshma, posted Nov 15, 2006

Last night on my way back from work, I was caught again in a crowded bus where you don't even have space to put your legs on the floor at times. Every person's attention is to the next seat which gets vacant.

It is a like a tight musical chair situation. An old lady with heavy luggage got in this bus. And after some time, somebody offered her a seat. A generous act.

What I saw after this was a display of an unconditional love. This lady kept offering to share her seat with whoever was standing next to her. The seat is meant for 2 people.

An old lady was showing me how easy it is to be kind and generous and what unconditional love is. She was passing her kindness to everyone of us without a smile card in her hand. I felt fortunate to be witnessing this standing behind her. She didn't even knew that she was doing a random act of kindness.

God bless her!

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Readers Comments

Robert Hogan wrote: Don't know how old "old" is as I am 50 and was recently referred to as an old man but it does seem that the elders having grown up in much different times, with different values and importance have not forgotten what courtesy is. We could learn so much from watching others as you did and pass along in our own way an act of kindness.

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