Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by GypsyNurse, posted Jan 14, 2014
I was fueling my car, as the cost of petrol has gone to $1.57 a litre.  

When I finished fueling I paid for my fuel and left behind a kindness card with a $10 note with instructions for the cashier that she should use it for the next person that came along that looked like they needed it! 

I asked the cashier to pass on the kindness card. 
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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: That was very nice of you. I'm sure that mom really appreciated it, and I bet it made an impact on the cashier as well. Doing a kindness without waiting for a result/reaction is a great thing...a great thing that is hard for me personally to do. I'm a curious person ;-) God bless, ~Glowworm

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