Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Healing Through Hugs

--by bubblehugfairy, posted Jan 14, 2014
“We hugged, now we’re friends, right?” he asks as he takes my hand and leads me up the steps to the Lincoln Memorial.

I’ve never offered Free Hugs at a March before, but decided it might offer the smallest bit of healing at the March for Justice in Washington DC on August 23.

It was an impromptu decision. My friend Sarah accompanied me. Honestly, we weren’t sure how to best offer the Hugs. So we simply walked, We walked among thousands of people all searching for the same thing; Healing and Hope. Free Hugs signs overhead, we walked through the throngs of people. We smiled. Made eye contact. And the response was overwhelming. Hundreds of people accepted hugs as we made our own March in a sea of people winding their way across the Mall. It was heart-expanding to not only share hugs but to hear people’s comments: “Best sign I’ve seen all day.” “YES, this is what we need, healing.” ‘You are my sister in another body.” “Love, this is what it’s all about.”

“MLK would be proud.” “Thank you, I really needed a Hug today.” The hugs came from teenage men, grandmothers, fathers, mothers & daughters, police, veterans of the March in 1963, militants, government officials, in short; every age and type. Hugs heal, as simple as that. Simple, but deep.

To reach out to someone and embrace them with your arms and heart heals more than people realize. Maya Angelou says, “As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.” Let us all go out and Heal somebody else. Hug from my heart to yours, Kristin, aka Bubble Hug Fairy
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Great tribute to MLK!! ((HUGS))
lightshade11 wrote: Beautiful story :) perfect nickname to! Thank you for giving your time and heart to so many others!
bubblehugfair wrote: Thank you, Mish HUGS back to you!
And Shadedragon, It was a beautiful day and experience. :)
Dobby wrote: Thanks for being that healing presence! Too often we can become obsessed with justice to the point of it becoming a negative force. Pope Benedict had said Truth in charity and charity in Truth. Well, if justice isn't married to charity, it just becomes a sledge hammer we use against "those others". I think your hugs helped make sure charity was at the march as well!
krishan wrote: Really touching
kristin wrote: Thank you for the return hugs & kind comments. I organizationed a free hugs this past weekend for peace week. Nyc. It was a wonderful way to connect. Hug! Kristin, aka bubble hug fairy
debbe530 wrote: I love this miss bubbly hug fairy! I got to ride a float in the tournament of roses parade in pasadena. There were two young women with free hug signs along the route. I often end up giving hugs when i pass out smile cards and candy bags as i make way around town. Not enough hugging these days. Even kaiser permanente is running a radio ad campaign now about the value of a hug. Good on you and your friend. (((bhf))))
Kristin Pedemonti wrote: Thank you debbe530, wow, i did not know about the kaiser permanente ad campaign. And good on you for being on a float in one of my favorite us parades. :) and thank you for handing out smile cards, hugs and paying it forward through smiles and connection. Hug to you! ~kristin, aka bubblehug fairy
Thaatu wrote: Through a hug we transfer positive energy to others and create positive environment all round. A small contribution for a better world.
Kristin Pedemonti wrote: Thaatu, yes, hugs do indeed transfer positive energy! Here's to sharing positive energy! Hugs to you! Bubble hug fairy :) <3

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