Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unloading Bricks

--by twocents, posted Nov 20, 2006

I was interviewing a friend near a school, and a man came up and started unloading bricks near us. He was doing his best to be very quiet and not interrupt our shooting, but was having difficulty keeping the noise down and had a huge load to unload.  We decided to help him unload his truck and spent the next hour chatting as we did that. 

It turned out he was the father of a kid at the school and was volunteering his own time finding bricks from the neighbors to build a natural plant garden at the school.

The beauty and coincidence of the situation was that we had selected that shooting location because of the stunning murals on the wall of that school.  It turned out that this man had been instrumental in getting the PTA to agree to allow an artist to paint those murals.  So in a way, he had already done something for us by giving us an amazing shoot location-- and then happened to show up right as we were shooting to continue his good work such that we could repay his kindness by helping him.

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Readers Comments

mujeeb wrote: The joys of serendipity. ! God bless you
S wrote: It is always amazing to see how the universe conspires to make things happen in exactly the way that they are meant to be.

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