Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My New Friend

--by tiner.designs, posted Feb 5, 2014
I saw a very tiny frail, (about 60 lbs) old lady coming from the grocery store as I was walking towards it.  She was tiny, under 5ft, about 60 lbs, pushing her little wire basket.  It was about 85-90 degrees and she was not walking well . I was afraid I might scare her... but this pledge inspired me to have courage & offer her a ride.   "Oh yes, that would be nice".  On the way to her house, I found out she has no family, & was recently out of a nursing home due to a hip surgery. so now we're friends & I will visit & take to do her shopping on Wednesdays.  So the friendship begins!
1016 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Awesome & lovely!!!
tsagem28 wrote: Sweet!
LovesVeggies wrote: very inspiring. thank you for the lovely share.
Sheli wrote: What a wonderful story. You helped someone out and gained a new friend in the process. Two winners. :-)

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