Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Can You Afford It?

--by Stefazza, posted Feb 5, 2014
I was having breakfast in a nice cafe in London last Saturday when a skinny young guy approached me asking if I had any spare spare change I could give him. 

Thinking I would go one better I offered to buy him breakfast. His reaction really surprised me.

He asked, "Can you afford it?"

Well ... yes, I could. So, I did. Gratefully!
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Readers Comments

heartofflesh wrote: Very kind of you to buy breakfast.......It is in giving one receives...
Dobby wrote: Thanks for sharing the grace God gave you (in this case, enough money) with this young man.
Mish wrote: His asking you that was kindness on his part too. :))
Stefazza wrote: Thank you Dobby, Mish and heartofflesh: money is energy and yes I also thought he was so kind asking me that question.

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