Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness for a Cancer Patient

--by allexie, posted Nov 25, 2006
I'm having chemo at the moment and got on the bus feeling rather weak and sick. A little old lady got up to let me sit down saying "I know what it's like." She was glancing at my headscarf which covers my baldy head.  Full marks to her for consideration and KINDNESS  XXX
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Readers Comments

zidlore wrote: Stay strong! Don't put away the smile on your face! I'll pray for your fast recovery. ^_^
JN wrote: Stay strong! Each day of chemo brings you closer to getting rid of the cancer.
Joleru wrote: Many things in life we cannot change. One thing we CAN change for the better however, is our attitude! May God grant you full healing, and also the gift of an unwavering positive attitude.
jawad wrote: hi i really felt sorry 4 urself but i wish and i will pray 4 u get better.
Melissa wrote: My aunt is going through the same thing... it's dificult, but love and compassion will get you through everything.
runr53 wrote: My bride of 33yrs is going on Tuesday for her 2nd round of 3 days in a row, starting on the hair loss too. Be strong, one day at a time!
michaela wrote: I feel so sorry for u.hope you feel better and have a good day.

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