Readers Comments
marilyn smith wrote: I totally love this mindset and the practical idea. I have wanted to tear up my front grass for years, and
Plant edible things. Maybe your story will give me the impetus i need to take action and make it happen.
I hope others are inspired and motivated also…god bless you.
Plant edible things. Maybe your story will give me the impetus i need to take action and make it happen.
I hope others are inspired and motivated also…god bless you.
Mohandas wrote: Share if you care. The happiness in sharing what you have, let it be a fruit, a vegitable, or something that you know, with others is immense. These days, people are more self centered and are restricting themselves to their own families. The three mantras for happiness are:
Care , compassion and commitment to a cause.
Care , compassion and commitment to a cause.
magurosan wrote: Great idea!
The fruit of this kind act is even sweeter and juicer.
Thank you very much.
Blessings to you and your family.
The fruit of this kind act is even sweeter and juicer.
Thank you very much.
Blessings to you and your family.
Barbara wrote: Such a totally unselfish act! Amazing!
KT wrote: I wish i had a garden then i could do the same!
Shumaila Hussain Shahani wrote: Amazing act! Keep writing :)
Shumaila Hussain Shahani wrote: Amazing act! Keep writing :)
Jolly wrote: Thanks for sharing this idea and i plan to try this out
moral12 wrote: That was a great way to make a positive out of a negative experience. Thank you for sharing your largesse and your kindness (food, included), with your family and neighbors.
Thaatu wrote: A great way of building relationships and a novel way of sharing. We curse and freter about stolen fruits and flowers not that they have gone but we lost the opportunity to share them. You are generous and have a noble heart. God bless you.