I have a friend whose mother passed away in September. The entire family is grieving from her passing as she was truly a loving woman. I found out from my friend that her 15-year-old daughter was taking it harder than everyone else in the family because she and her grandmother had a very special relationship.
The grandmother had always sent the young girl little care packages in the mail every now and then, even though they lived in the same city. The packages contained little things, maybe some nail polish or a make up item such as lip gloss and she always added a note to her granddaughter to let her know how special she was and how proud she was of her. It wasn't always a gift - sometimes it was just a note to let her know she was thinking of her. The grandmother would also pick up her granddaughter and take her on special outings - just the two of them - going out for the day and doing things together. I had also found out that this young girl had a birthday coming up.
I don't live in the same state, so after I heard of this young girl's sadness in missing her grandmother and of her birthday, I decided to create a little care package for her. I picked up a book a teen would enjoy, a bookmark, a card and wrote a note inside to wish her a special birthday and enclosed some money so that she could buy herself something special.
After the teen received the package, the mother e-mailed to let me know her daughter was so moved by my note and gift. She had told her mother that I reminded her of her grandmother.