Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by sailani, posted Dec 5, 2006

An 85-year young widow neighbor, who lives independently, resumed her daily walks after a recent hip replacement surgery but expressed fear about being too far from home  "What if I fall or something?" 

Three of us on the block are taking turns (Mon-Wed-Fri) to go with her on on her slow trips around the block.  (I've also been able to drive her to a few medical appointments).  

She's a wealth of interesting information and I've learnt a great deal from her.    What a blessing, what a great opportunity to learn and stay in touch with neighbors. 

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Readers Comments

Grace wrote: I also have an 85year old neighbour - see the story I posted a few weeks ago - but I must admit I haven't been around to see her -I have been very busy at work. I will give her a call right now.
anon wrote: Amazing how it works: we almost always seem to get more from our kind actions than we are able to give! Pretty good investment strategy, eh?
hrrm1892 wrote: That is awesome! Good for you.
Samsonmybf wrote: You are awesome !!
smilegirl wrote: how sweet!

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