Readers Comments
speedi wrote: I agree a smile a simple hello goes a long way,,and you never know just whose day you made,,who really needed that bit of care along the way..
Satya wrote: Making the world a better place -- one smile at a time. I like it!
wonderlink wrote: You've gone right to the heart of the matter. Aren't we here just to say hello to each other, after all is said and done?
anon wrote: What a simple way to make the world a better place. It is interesting that it is so hard, at first, to look a stranger in the eye and greet them in passing. It is even more interesting how easy -- and habitual -- it becomes with just a little practice!
Stylo-Essa wrote: Hello and have a good day. In North America we say "good for you"; in Australia they say "good on you." This is what I say to you - "good on you.!
Jonay wrote: No question this is the place to get this info, thknas y'all.