Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Little Gift

--by smilegirl, posted Dec 8, 2006

About a year ago, I  was at a festival for Christmas. It was a very cold night and I looked down to see a $20 dollar bill. I picked it up and asked the people around me if they had lost it. After they said no, I couldn't just let it lay there on the ground so I picked up up and brought it home with me.

I went to the grocery store and bought some toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrush, chips, and a soda. When I walked out the door, there was a old, poor man playing the guitar for money. I frequently saw people throwing money in the guitar case so I walked up, gave him everything I bought and a few extra dollars. I talked to him for about 10 minutes, gave him a hug, said have a good nights sleep and walked away.

I was walking down the road and going through my purse and saw a smile card so I ran back and gave him the card. Then he said "thank you very much. You shouldn't have. Have a good day."  I couldn't forget what I did - I felt so awesome!

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Readers Comments

wonderlink wrote: Yay you is right! I love that you did that.
Stylo-essa wrote: How wonderful that you let your spontaneous generosity come through. I'm sure you gave that man some happiness, sometehing he is usually very short of. Good on you. 'Anon'

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