Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Supplies for the Troops

--by siegelks, posted Dec 10, 2006

I am a middle school counselor. Earlier this week, I had a very caring, compassionate student tell me about a project she has undertaken.  She said she has started  a collection for supplies for the troops to make their holiday's more joyful.  I asked her what organization she was doing this through and she was confused by my question.  Finally, she said, "No, see my sister who is in 5th grade and I are doing this on our own!"  I was amazed that they had thought this up on their own.  I asked their mother about it and she said that they had come to her to tell her about it.

I was happy to help her.  I told her to put a box in the main office with a sign and a list of supplies (which she had already typed up!).  She brought the box in the next day and students have already begun to add to it.

What a beautiful thing these kids are doing.  I am so proud of them!

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Readers Comments

josietn wrote: It is always amazing what students can come up with. Thank you for sharing!
andy wrote: hey that was wonderful.but what about the ones that return from combat zone and can hardly make ends meet?can you and your friends and there friends send justa dollar for this family?that will be a great act of kindness for kids of that family.the address is 111 33 127st street Jamaica, ny 11420 if you wants to make someone really happy.i dont wantto embrassed the family.the father is a soilder with a lot of pride.
Jawad wrote: Its very good for kidzzz,
Keep it up
Bobbo wrote: The most wonderful thing about kindness, is that anyone, any age, as long as they care about others, can make a difference. Way to go, girls! You rock!
Al wrote: what a wonderful story. thank you for sharing. We can learn from kids around the world.
Ari wrote: We got to learn a lot from the kids. Yes in this material world, where we are always forced to gather money to live our lives, kids are a source of inspiration and energy to do something different and creative. I have somehting to offer to the two little ones - my warm hugs to those little angels.
Olderbuttwyzer wrote: I tried to get something similar started back in late fall. I e-mailed everyone in my address book asking for whatever assistance they felt they could give. It could be items to send to the troops, money to buy items to send, time to help organize things, assistance with mailing the packages, whatever they felt they could do.

I only got one response. It was to tell me that she thought I was taking on quite a big responsiblity and maybe I should rethink doing the project all together.

I was so disappointed in her response. I wrote back and thanked her for responding and then told her that I thought what I was doing was really small compared to what the troops were doing for me everyday. I let her know that it made me feel good to do something for others and that I felt like the time I usually waste doing things like watching tv, etc., could be put to much better use and this was the way I planned to spend it for now.

I too am proud of these young girls for their efforts. They are special people and deserve to be honored for their efforts. Also, think of how they might inspire other youngsters to get involved or to start some other type of similar activity of their own. I think it's great. We need more people like them in this world and it gives me hope for our future when I hear that some of the younger generation still carry these values.
speedi wrote: What a wonderful thing for kids to do,,make our soldiers feel loved,needed and wanted Bless them..
waltzes wrote: I love hearing when children reach out to do something for others. My 7 year old daughter collects old towels and blankets for the humane society. Her grandparents also asked her which organization she was doing this through, and were surprised to hear she was just doing it on her own.
Ginny wrote: That is so sweet. Even the youner kids are getting in to the random acts of kindess.

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