Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Parking spot

--by hiloecho, posted Dec 13, 2006

The wife had an appointment after work and as she doesn't like to drive she asked me when I picked her up from work if I could take her.

She said she'd take about an hour and she'd understand if I didn't want to wait and I said sure I'll drive. Our downtown, small as it is, can get crowded at times especially this time of the year.

 While sitting in a parking spot reading my book, I had noticed this one car had made two trips past me looking for parking. I thought how lucky I was to have a spot and then a few minutes later I see this same car at the corner scanning for a spot. Knowing I could just drive around as the wife should be back soon, I put the Echo in reverse and the look of relief on the lady's face was priceless.

People are pretty polite driving-wise here in Hawaii anyways but along with the shaka she flashed the smile she gave me made my day. It only took a few trips round the block before the wife showed up and I thought about how easy it is to be polite and thoughtful. What if everyone cared?  Imagine!

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Readers Comments

waltzes wrote: As a mother of a 7 and 2 year old, there are so many times when I'd love a parking spot just a bit closer to the store to more easily get in with the chilidren in tow. But, I rarely encounter someone as nice as you. Sometimes people will even sit in their parking spot longer when they know I would like it. How nice of you to be so thoughtful and aware of your surroundings. Bless You!!
Ginny wrote: That was a cute stoy.
Lorrine wrote: Self-less-ness is truly the mark of someone who wants to go against the flow in a world where self-ish-ness is the order of the day. Hats off to you!
tstar wrote: Imagine! What if everyone did care? It starts w/one. You were the one. You cared and started the chain reaction!! and that's what all this is about :*)
Good for you, good for her and good for us all.
Grace wrote: I have never been to Hawaii but I can just imagine you in the car in that beautiful place - what a kind thing to do! Bless you.
cynikat wrote: you did wonders for your own personal zen that day. it will come back to you. if more people realized that what you put out comes back, maybe their selfishness would make them more selfless.
speedi wrote: I agree what goes around comes around, and you have no idea what her errand was so precious time might have been saved,,,Bless you!
Al wrote: Thank you for making a diiference. Your random kindness is appreciated.
Ari wrote: You were blessed with a chance to do an act of kindness and receive a flashy smile deep from the heart of a woman, which is nothing but again - kindness returned with love.
sewingsphynx wrote: Common sense and consideration for others go a long,long way!

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