Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Feast of St. Nicholas

--by waltzes, posted Dec 14, 2006

Yesterday was the Feast of St. Nicholas. My daughters and I went to the family night for religious ed at church. I knew it would be fun, but didn't realize just how much I would be filled with by the spirit of St. Nicholas.

He lived around 300 A.D. This saint was one of the most giving souls we know of. It's what he's famous for, his acts of kindness. He would be a regular on this website! Our activity was to make a treat bag, wrapped in a piece of rugged brown corduroy cloth, filled with fruit, nuts and candy, and then later to choose someone to give it to. I was really looking forward to that!

After the activities, we had a prayer service in which "St. Nicholas" made an appearance. The children took off their shoes and left them in the basement. When we went back down, there was candy in their shoes, left there by "St. Nick" himself.

On the way home, my 7-year-old got to decide who to leave the bag with. She chose her best friend, whose mother (a single mom) I trade "kid-sitting" with quite often. It was a good choice, and as they were still at their church, it got to be an anonymous giving, with the bag left on their doorstep. What a simple lesson in giving for my daughter. She was as joyful as I was with the giving of that St. Nick bag. Giving is truly better than receiving. God Bless!

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Readers Comments

Ginny wrote: That is so sweet I loved that stoy.
desertdancer wrote: Good for you for giving your young child an invaluable experience in giving to others.
AURELIA wrote: Really NEAT!!! I love that idea of making a treat bag like that. Your daughter certainly learned a beautiful lesson from St. Nicholas! Very Sweet. ~Aurelia

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