Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Not An Ordinary World Cup

--by DailyGood, posted Dec 15, 2006

The soccer ball sounds like the clatter of a rattlesnake's tail, fans are barred from cheering too loudly and the sidelines are clear plastic walls meant to keep the players in-bounds -- clearly not an ordinary World Cup. Save for the goalkeepers, all of the athletes are legally blind.

Welcome to the fourth World Championships of Soccer for the Blind. Spectator Marcelo Gonzalez, who coaches blind teenagers and 20-somethings in Argentina, said he still marvels how sightless players are so attuned to sounds, vibrations and the fast-changing position of their competitors.


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Readers Comments

Jawad wrote: Yeah its a good story.
Keep sharing
Ginny wrote: Wow! That was gret story. Somebody giving other people a other chacne to have to hope and don't to say you can't do that. But actlly getting them too something that they really want to give the chacne.
speedi wrote: Awesome! heartwarming story
thanks for sharing it...

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